I had saltwater dreams of
My inbox flooded
My monitor filling until it sprung a leak
And spilled all over me
Knocking my feet out from under me
Knocking the wind out of me

I think about you all the time
You shadow-lurking women
I know you're out there, riding the bus to work
Pushing your babies in their strollers
Making art and love in tiny apartments
I think about you all the time,
Wondering what you're thinking,
what books you're reading,
what songs are running through your heads,
Waiting to hear your voices


If you're a woman who would like to be a part of femmeproject, e-mail Amanda with your thoughts on LOVE. This could be a short essay, a story, a poem, a picture (might as well use that gold membership), a quote, or anything else you can dream up. We will select our ten favorite entries and I will post them early next week. If you would like to remain anonymous, that's fine, but I'm more than happy to link to your diary. Read this for more details about submitting to femmeproject, and don't forget to check out our previous topic, FEAR.

<< 2003-11-04 @ 2:10 p.m. >>

| virgin | slut | about | bitch | bitch more | brains |
| call us | girls' night out | dressed us up |
| man in our lives |

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